I am thinking about those who watch over us. Those who are away but are still with us, in one way or another. They're our angels, our guardians, our protectors. They help us hold onto our dreams, they prop us up when we feel weak. They take care of us.
Sometimes, I am visited in my dreams. One of my guardians comes to me in the night. We might be in a place I've been to hundreds of times: a former home, perhaps. Or we might be in a new place, but the presence of someone familiar makes me feel that everything is okay. Sometimes even when I am awake, I think of my angels, just to feel an extra bit of protection. I need to know that my protectors are there.
I am here, thinking about my angels. Right now I have three of them in Maryland: two kitten angels and one HWM. HWM has his angels. He has so many. He teaches me about angels.
There are times I hope for strength. Maybe I just need to be reminded that I don't need extra strength, but I need my angels. Maybe it's better to have guardians, to have others that watch over you. I will trust my angels.