Despite mocking by certain friends who will remain nameless, I have made New Year's resolutions for 2009. And also some guidelines. (I know you are wondering what the difference is between the two: resolutions are measurable and guidelines are, well, guidelines.) (And having just read that statement, I realize that I may be even nerdier than I am currently accepting.)
First, the resolutions:
1) Keep the 10-ish pounds I lost since the summer off. Sure, I'd love to add to the loss, but I'll be happy just to stay where I'm at. For now.
2) Go out at least once during the week. Even if it's just to grab dinner and/or a drink. But at least once each week, get out of the apartment. Weekends don't count.
3) Join the 19th century literature bookclub. This one has the bonus of helping me stick to #2.
4) Try one new recipe a week. I've got a whole stack of recipes to try out, but there's always a reason to stick with the old standbys. Or not cook at all.
Now, the guidelines:
1) Less caffeine. I have been hitting the coffee at a much higher rate these days. Sure, it's toughened up my stomach, and, for the first time in years, I may have had a Christmas where I wasn't throwing up by noon. But, really, I should cut back on the caffeine. At least a little.
2) Exercise more. Yes, I should have made this a resolution where I specify the amount of exercise I will do. But I'm not going to. I'm going to keep it vague.
3) Get rid of some of my shit. No, seriously, I have way too much stuff. Stop by; I might give you a sofa.
4) More yes, less no. This is a carryover from the mid-life crisis, but it's always a good idea to remind myself.
That should do me. I thought I had five resolutions, but I can't remember the 5th. That's not a good start.
Anyway, happy new year!