Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I swear I didn't make this up

A question for you. Or, not a question, exactly, but maybe you can explain this. Give me a reference or something. Some time when I was in my 20s, I had heard that, in general, Catholics use colored Christmas lights, and Protestants use white lights. And, I swear, it was presented to me like, yup, this is the way it is. I must have heard it somewhere. It's a stupid stereotype. There's no good reason to have it. But now that I'm trying to confirm that there's some truth behind or something, I can't seem to find any confirmation. I've googled a few things, but, for the most part, nothing. I wouldn't have made this up, right? So, why is this in my consciousness? Any help out there?

Oh, and can you tell me why the church doors in Philadelphia are red?


Brunella said...

But you DID make it up because I've never heard of this before and I was raised Catholic and have been recovering ever since. I've done white lights and I've done colored lights, its really the mood of the year. White lights seem so sweet and pure, colored lights are a little more sexy, a little more "I saw mommy kissin' Santa Clause". I don't like those new darker colored lights, it's like a goth C'mas or something, I'm not on that just yet.

Unknown said...

When you go to Bethlehem, Pa. the tour guide tells you that you can tell the Catholic homes from the Protestant ones by the color of the lights they display at Christmas. Maybe you were on that same tour with me.