A couple of years ago, I did a 365 photo project. Although there were some days that I felt I had nothing to shoot, I loved it. If you want to see what I did, go here:
My 365 set
I became a better photographer, I learned to look for pictures around me, I played with my camera and angles, I made friends on-line. After that year, some of us made a half-hearted attempt to try again, but it feel apart. It does take time and commitment, and we all needed a break. We still share photos on-line, but not as regularly. Now that it's been a little while longer, I'm itching to do it again.
This is a call for membership into a 365 group. Here's what it'll require: one and only one picture a day for a year. That's it. We'll post to flickr, so it'll require a flickr account (I have upgraded to pro, so I can dump loads of pictures, but if you're using it on a limited basis, it's free.) For more details about flickr, here's the FAQ:
flickr FAQ
A few other bits: anyone can join (if you have a friend you want to hook up, just contact me), no negative judgment, no penalties for missed days/weeks, any camera will do (in fact, it might be fun to see how far you can push that cell phone). I'd like to start March 1 (February is often not the inspiring month). You can truly do anything: your dog every day, what outfit you're wearing, whatever you please. I tend to do whatever catches my eye, which results in more than my share of sunrises and Murray. (I'll try to be better about that this year, at least with Murray.)
If you are interested, contact me. If I get enough to form a group, I'll set it up on flickr and get you the details. Let's have some fun and play with our cameras!
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