It's that time of year, time to change everything, then go back to our old habits. ("No, no, this year will be different!") I know people who are anti-resolution for that very reason, but I'm still a sucker for sitting down and making that list.
I like making resolutions because it is a time to reflect, then dream a bit. Aren't resolutions simply dreams for ourselves? For me, resolutions represent what I hope I am really capable of doing. I don't resolve to write three novels by 2013 (spoiler: not gonna happen), but I can resolve to be more attentive to my writing.
If you've been employed by a big corporation, you know that when you set your goals, you can't just vague it up, but you need to have them measurable and achievable. Right now, I have the vague notions of resolutions in my head but I haven't added the specifics. Do I make it easy so that I can actually achieve my goals or do I make it difficult so that I have to really reach? For example, as always, diet and exercise are on the list. But how strict should the diet be? How much exercise should I commit myself to do? I know, it's not really a test or a contest, but, then again, I'm kind of nuts, so setting goals I can cross off my list might be a good thing for me.
Today, I plan. I head to the grocery store and pick up vegetables instead of cookies. I schedule writing time for the next week or so. I make a list of blog topics and clean my closet. Let's see if I'm still working on all of this by February.
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