Sunday, November 30, 2008

Too much stuff

So, I just read about this "100 things challenge". The idea is to trim your stuff to 100 things, and live on it for a year. There's a couple exceptions to the rule: underwear and socks each count as one thing, the 100 things are "personal" things (so I guess things like "bed" do not count), and the guy I've read about is keeping tools as "household" items. I guess it's his challenge, he can make the rules. It's still a crazy idea, trimming your life to 100 things.

Having just hauled a bunch of stuff down to a new apartment, I know I have too much stuff; I've got about 100 things on my coffee table alone (how do I have 2 notebooks on the table already?) My clothes alone, good God, the clothes I have. (So why am I stumped as to what to wear every morning when I'm getting ready for work?) And will someone please stop me the next time I go to buy another pair of shoes?

But looking at Dave Bruno's list (the guy who apparently started this), I certainly have opinions about his 100 things. Apparently his camera and the SD card count as 2 items. Really?! But his Mac is just one item (what about all the cords and adapters and stuff? Does software count? Because if my Word crashes, I need that case it came in with my serial number.) He's got 3 bibles on his list. (Three?! Insert offensive godless comment.) He's in San Diego, so no coats and only one sweater, which is sort of unfair to anyone who is doing this challenge and actually has seasons. 

Criticism aside, I suppose it is a good idea to try to trim down the amount of stuff I have. No, I don't need all those shoes (but they're so pretty). It'll probably even make my next move easier, if we approach from a completely selfish perspective. Maybe I should try to get rid of 100 things. That would be a good start.

On a completely unrelated note, I-95 in Delaware, you can bite my ass. 

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