I'm not sure if I'll tell you all my resolutions, but I'll tell you about this one. (I've already shared "be playful," "lose weight," and "exercise" so I'm calling this #4.) This is an unusual one: finishing my blog posts.
It started when I was trying to determine how many posts I have here. The dashboard claims I have 343 posts, but if you go to the "Edit Posts" tab, there's a number that are still in "draft" status, so some of those don't actually count. These are ideas that I started but let go, at least for a while. Sometimes I start but the mood isn't there, sometimes I just get pulled away and then return, only to have the idea not speak to me. Some of these posts are almost there, but most are just a sentence or two, waiting for the rest of the words.
This nicely combines another resolution (the "more writing" resolution) and my love for crossing things off a list. Plus, it has the bonus of being a ready-to-go idea on those days when I'm at the computer thinking, "I'd love to write today, but I have no ideas."Of course, now there means there's no excuse.
I'm not sure how many of these unfinished posts are waiting for the final tweak, but I'm hoping they'll inspire me to post here more often.
I think sometimes the two sentences can be as interesting as the two paragraphs. Gives you a reason to think and fill in the blanks.
OMG I hear ya sistah! Only I don't draft mine in blogger so I have a big ol' "writing" folder of partial posts.
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