Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Have I become that cynical?

The other day I was listening to my ipod and a love song by John Doe came on. As I was listening to this song, it occurred to me that I don't really believe love songs that are sung by men. As I listened this song of heartbreak and longing, I was thinking, "I just don't believe you."

Whenever I hear a love song about loss or despair or heartbreak sung by a man, I just don't think it's true. I really believe that guys just don't get that involved. Yeah, they feel sadness and disappointment when someone leaves them, but I just don't think it gets that deep. When I hear Eric Clapton wail, "Do you want to see me crawl across the floor for you? Do you want to hear me beg you to take me back?" I think, "Now there's a guy who really wants to get laid."

I'm not saying that men don't love. But I believe it is a more logical form of love. They know they won't die or their heart won't truly be broken if someone leaves them. That there are other options out there. That, for whatever reason, most girls will do some chasing, and, if they don't, another will probably come along that will do the work. I don't think, in general, women approach love in this way. I do blame biology a bit -- a woman has a biological drive for a single companion whereas a male has the need for multiple companions. I know that we're all supposed to be evolved beyond on this, but I also think that there is this underlying drive.

I'm probably wrong. There may be men out there who are crying over women right this minute. Who can barely breathe, they are so heartbroken. But I don't actually believe it.

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