Two of my older relatives are very sick. They both have cancer and it's pretty far advanced. These are relatives that have been a part of my life as long as I can remember -- part of the holiday-poker-family gathering crowd. I'm sad that this is happening, and it's weird to imagine that they won't be around for much longer.
The logical part of me knows that it could be a lot worse. Both of them are in their 80s. They smoked most of their lives, drank, barely exercise, ate nothing but crap foods. Let's think about that for a minute. The Big Guy comes down and asks you: Door #1 is you die in your 80s of cancer. You get to basically take minimal care of yourself; go ahead: drink and smoke and have half-and-half on your cereal. And bologna salad for lunch. Door #2 remains a mystery. So, which door do you want to pick? I don't know about you, but I'm picking Door #1 every day of the week.
It's always a bit weird, watching things change. I know, circle of life, blah, blah, but it's still sad to see.
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