Wednesday, February 11, 2009

It's just not fair

It's weird; I don't believe in karma or that things happen for a reason or any of that sort of thing, but I really hate it when things are not fair. If one person is working hard and another is not, but they get the same reward (or, even worse! the non-worker gets rewarded), it makes me nutty! 

There have been a number of things in the news that have really poked at my hate of things that are unfair. Those idiot banker CEO's, who still have their private jets and make over a million, that bitch and moan that there's no way they could possibly survive on a half million, not with their nannies and vacations and wives' trainers. Seriously? How did you get this job in the first place? Hey, aren't you the same guys who give me the financial advice to have at least 6 months worth of savings handy?

And you guys who aren't working that now have to do some housework, guess what? You weren't doing your share in the first place. And don't write "The New York Times" saying that you're different and so are all your friends and that women want to do extra work anyway because it completes them, just shut up and wash a dish. All the studies show that men do less around the house and most of them don't realize it. And, yes, we've asked you to help out, so don't say we haven't. And don't get me started on how women make less. (Although, don't get me started on the exceptions granted to working mothers...) (Okay, we've gotten really ramble-y here.)

Look, I know in many ways I'm lucky. Things have, for the most part, worked out well, and I look at my life and I know I've got it good. But sometimes I look around and do think that things are not fair. And it makes me mad. I need to get over it.

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