Sunday, January 18, 2009

Even old New York was once New Amsterdam

Last week I got my last issue of "The New Yorker" (assuming I don't re-subscribe). I really do love "The New Yorker" but it's such a time commitment. When I first subscribed, I was in graduate school and had two hours on the train every day, and I could actually keep up. I gave it up for a while, but when I started traveling more for work, I re-subscribed, hoping that during the time I would be traveling, I would keep up. Of course, the job situation has changed, and now I just can't do it. I'm so far behind -- gosh, I hope Obama wins this election!

It's both a good time and a bad time for the subscription to run out. Obviously, I've crazy-busy, so not having a stack of "New Yorker's" is probably a good thing. The bad thing about no longer getting "The New Yorker" is that, dammit, I love that magazine. One of the reasons I get so far behind on my reading is that there are always so many articles in every issue I want to read. I always feel like I learn something when I read "The New Yorker." Also, I'm enough of a poser to admit that I like carrying an issue around, marking myself as an East-coast liberal. 

Now I will have to rely on Bru to send me interesting articles. But I may actually be able to read more books (and then get rid of them.) This is a good thing. And, hopefully, soon my life will calm down and I can go back to being an East-coast poser. A girl can dream.

1 comment:

Brunella said...

You WILL re-subscribe! This is BULLSHIT! Once on that bus you CANNOT GET OFF!!! Re-subscribe big spender. C'mon you are such a LETDOWN to me. I can't even bear it. What is WRONG with you? I will NOT send you cool/good articles you must own this publication, it must come to you every Tuesday (or Wednesday), you must live for each new cover. Don't piss me off today!